

Benefits of Cohort Analysis

1. Understanding User Behavior:
Cohort Analysis allows businesses to comprehend the behavior patterns of users who started using a service or product during a specific period. By analyzing these patterns, businesses can evaluate and improve user engagement and loyalty, ensuring that users remain active and satisfied over time.

2. Analysis of Customer Retention Rate:
Cohort Analysis is invaluable for examining the retention rates of user groups who registered for a service at different times. By tracking how long users stay engaged, businesses can assess the impact of specific campaigns or events on user retention and make data-driven decisions to improve long-term customer loyalty.

3. Evaluation of Profitability:
Through Cohort Analysis, businesses can analyze the revenue generation patterns of different user groups, identifying the most profitable segments. This insight helps in focusing resources on high-value users, optimizing pricing strategies, and maximizing overall profitability.

4. Measurement of Marketing Effectiveness:
Cohort Analysis enables businesses to analyze the performance of user groups acquired through different periods or campaigns. This analysis provides a clear picture of the return on investment (ROI) from marketing activities, allowing businesses to optimize future marketing strategies for better results.

5. Providing Direction for Product Improvement:
By analyzing user feedback and behavior through Cohort Analysis, businesses can identify specific areas for product or service improvement. This targeted approach to enhancement helps in refining the user experience, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

6. Understanding Customer Lifecycle:
Cohort Analysis allows businesses to track user groups over time, gaining insights into the actions taken at different stages of the customer lifecycle. This understanding enables businesses to take timely and appropriate actions, such as offering promotions or support, to nurture users through each stage of their journey.

Cohort Analysis is a powerful tool for understanding user behavior, analyzing customer retention, evaluating profitability, measuring marketing effectiveness, guiding product improvement, and understanding the customer lifecycle. By leveraging these insights, businesses can make informed decisions that drive growth, enhance user satisfaction, and improve overall performance.





ARPDAU(Average Revenue Per Daily Active User)

ARPDAUは「Average Revenue Per Daily Active User」の略で、アプリマーケティングの効果を測定するための重要な指標です。この指標は、1日のアクティブユーザー1人あたりから生み出される収益額を測定し、アプリの収益化戦略の効率性に関する貴重な洞察を提供します。ARPDAUを追跡することで、開発者はアプリがどれだけ効率的にユーザーの活動を収益に変えているかを評価することができます。


ARPPU(Average Revenue Per Paying User)

ARPPUは「Average Revenue Per Paying User」の略で、アプリマーケティングの効果を評価する上で重要なビジネス指標です。この指標は、各課金ユーザーから得られた収益を測定し、アプリやサービスの収益化戦略の収益性と有効性に関する貴重な洞察を提供します。ARPPUを追跡することで、開発者やマーケティング担当者は、自社のアプリが有料ユーザーをどれだけ獲得できているかをよりよく理解し、収益を強化する機会を特定することができます。



